OS Process (Managed Components) |
This managed type is the super type for all operating system processes (currently SOAPProcessorOSProcess, representing any process hosting SOAP processors – including the monitor – and WebGatewayOSProcess representing the web server extension).
There are currently no settings defined for a generic OS process.
The following counters are defined for a generic OS process:
Counter type |
Value Counter |
Value |
This counter represents the number of NOM documents that exist inside this process. |
Hints |
An increasing value hints at a memory leak. You might want to use the operations setNOMLeakInfoBaseline and getNOMLeakInfo for analysis. |
Counter type |
Value counter |
Value |
This counter represents the number of NOM nodes that exist inside this process. |
Hints |
An increasing value hints at a memory leak. You might want to use the operations setNOMLeakInfoBaseline and getNOMLeakInfo for analysis. |
Counter type |
Value counter |
Value |
This counter represents the number of milliseconds the process has been running per cpu. |
Hints |
Counter type |
Value counter |
Value |
This counter represents the number of bytes the process has allocated in resident memory. |
Hints |
Counter type |
Value counter |
Value |
This counter represents the number of bytes the process has allocated in virtual memory. |
Hints |
Counter type |
Value counter |
Value |
This counter represents the number of bytes the process has allocated for NOM. |
Hints |
Counter type |
Value counter |
Value |
This counter represents the total memory used by all XML Nodes across all NOM Document instances in this process. |
Hints |
Counter type |
Event occurrence counter |
Value |
This counter represents the frequency of NOM Document creation. |
Hints |
The following operations are defined for a generic OS process:
Description |
This operation clears the baseline on NOM objects that was set through the setNOMLeakInfoBaseline operation and takes away the performance penalty. |
Parameters |
None |
Return value |
None |
Description |
Once a baseline on the NOM objects has been set through setNOMLeakInfoBaseline, one can use this operation to get an overview of the NOM objects created since baselining. |
Parameters |
newTreesThreshold |
A document with less new trees than this threshold, is not reported. |
Return value |
An XML string containing the NOM memory leak info. |
Description |
Reset the specified counter on the specified managed component. Can use * for component and/or counter. |
Parameters |
componentName |
The name of the component. Use * for all components. |
counterName |
The name of the counter. Use * for all counters.* |
Return value* |
None |
Description |
Sets the moving average window length (in milliseconds) of the given counter(s) of the given component(s). |
Parameters |
componentName |
The name of the component. Use * for all components. |
counterName |
The name of the counter. Use * for all counters. |
windowLength |
The length of the moving average window in milliseconds. |
Return value |
None |
Description |
Sets the number of slots into which the moving average window of the given counter(s) of the given component(s) is to be subdivided. |
Parameters |
componentName |
The name of the component. Use * for all components. |
counterName |
The name of the counter. Use * for all counters. |
numOfSlots |
The number of slots in the moving average window. |
Return value |
None |
Description |
This operation sets a baseline on the NOM documents and trees that exist at the moment of invocation. Use getNOMLeakInfo to retrieve the NOM objects that are created since the baseline creation. Because NOM baselining causes a performance penalty, you should call clearNOMLeakInfoBaseline after completing the analysis. |
Parameters |
None |
Return value |
None |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started due to failure of State SyncUp initialization. Ensure that 'Multicast' is enabled and both the 'Port' and 'IP Address' specified are correct. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started because State SyncUp initialization fails. |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started due to an exception that occurred while loading the bootstrap information. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started because of error in loading boot strap information. |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started due to failure to access the LDAP Server. Please ensure that the LDAP server is running. If so, the <machine> could be slow. Add the 'bus.ldaprequest.timeout=<timeout>' property in the wcp.properties file and specify the duration for request time out. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started because of LDAP connectivity problem. |
*Severity Level |
Error |
*Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) {0} has not been registered on the LDAP server {1}, and hence cannot be started. |
*Description |
This alert is issued when monitor entry is not present in the LDAP. |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started due to failure to contact the LDAP Processor. Ensure that LDAP SOAP Processor is running. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started because LDAP soap processor is not running. |
Severity Level |
Warning |
Message |
License expired since {0} day(s). Please use the License manager to send the usage report and obtain a new license key. |
Description |
This alert is issued when license validity expires. |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started due to failure to read the license key from LDAP. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started because of failure in reading license key from LDAP |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started due to invalid license key. Please enter the correct key. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started due to invalid license. |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started since the license key could not be read. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started because license key cannot be read. |
Severity Level |
Error |
Message |
The OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) could not be started owing to a catastrophic exception that occurred while starting the same. |
Description |
This alert is issued when monitor cannot be started because of an exception. |
Severity Level |
Information |
Message |
OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) has been started.{0} |
Description |
This alert is issued when OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) starts successfully. |
Severity Level |
Information |
Message |
The validity of license key is {0} day(s). |
Description |
This alert is issued to inform the validity of license. |
There are currently no problems defined for a generic OS process.
A generic OS process has two sub-components: LDAP Cache and License Monitor